June 13

Canada's best Managed - IMG is once again on the list!

Richibucto, NB – June 13, 2024 – Imperial Manufacturing Group, a manufacturer of HVAC and building products founded in 1979, was recognized for its industry-leading performance, its global business practices, and its sustained growth by receiving the prestigious 2024 Canada’s Best Managed Companies award 14 years in a row.

Canada’s Best Managed Companies program awards excellence in private Canadian-owned Companies. To attain the designation, companies are evaluated on their leadership in the areas of strategy, culture and commitment, capabilities, and innovation, governance, and financial performance.

“We are very proud to have once again been chosen as one of Canada’s Best Managed Companies,” said Founder and CEO Normand Caissie. “Knowing that we continue to attain the program’s ambitious and comprehensive criteria is a testament to our company’s hard work.”

Canada’s Best Managed Companies is one of the country’s leading business awards programs recognizing innovative and world‑class businesses. Every year, hundreds of entrepreneurial companies compete for this designation in a rigorous and independent evaluation process.

Applicants are evaluated by an independent panel of judges with representation from program sponsors and special guests.

“Our ability to adapt and quickly respond to challenges is how we continues to succeed in an ever-changing business world,” said President Bradley Spencer. “Focusing on relationships with our customers, our suppliers, and our employees has permitted us to continue to grow our business strategically.”

This year’s award-winning companies highlight their industry-leading performance, global business practices, and sustained organic growth as key factors contributing to their success on a global scale. “The Best Managed winners’ continued adaptability in an era of uncertainty sets the standard for how to overcome new barriers and demonstrate resiliency at the highest levels,” says Derrick Dempster, national co-leader of Canada's Best Managed Companies program and partner at Deloitte Private. (Deloitte)

“This year’s winners demonstrate exceptional commitment to drive growth in today’s competitive and dynamic business landscape,” says Blair Cowan, Executive Vice-President, Head of Commercial Banking, CIBC. “[...] these privately-owned companies continue to be the engine of our economic growth by creating jobs through strong leadership and innovation.”

For more information about Canada’s Best Managed Companies program, visit www.bestmanagedcompanies.ca