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R2 Style Wall Exhaust / Intake Cap

  • Heavy-duty replacement vent cap with 3-in tail pipe is easy to install
  • 2-in-1 wall vent cap converts from exhaust to intake by removing damper
  • Innovative damper design prevents back-draft and heat loss
  • Designed for energy efficiency and maximum airflow
  • Ideal for bath fan and range hood venting
  • Optional plastic pest control screen helps keep birds and rodents from entering the home
  • For dryer venting applications, do not install screen
  • Made of durable, painted galvanized steel to withstand the weather
  • Can be painted to match the exterior of your home
R2 Style Wall Exhaust / Intake Cap
R2 Style Wall Exhaust / Intake Cap
R2 Style Wall Exhaust / Intake Cap
R2 Style Wall Exhaust / Intake Cap

This Imperial 4-in Premium Wall Exhaust/Intake Cap with Tail Pipe is an energy-efficient venting solution ideal for use with bath fans and range hoods. It features an innovative airtight damper that helps prevent back-draft and heat loss when used as an exhaust cap. To easily convert the 2-in-1 cap from exhaust to fresh air intake, simply remove the damper. An optional plastic pest control screen can be installed in bath fan and range hood applications, but must be removed if the cap is used for clothes dryer venting. Made of durable painted galvanized steel, this replacement vent cap can withstand the elements and is paintable to match the exterior of your home. It comes with a 3-in tail pipe for easy installation.

360° Spin


Item No.Description
VT07564" R2 Wall Exhaust/Intake Cap (with metal screen)

Over 45 Years of Quality

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